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Avant Healthcare Professionals Featured on NPR and National News

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January 11, 2022

Avant Healthcare Professionals Vice Presidents Lesley Hamilton-Powers and Brian Hudson recently sat down for an interview about short-staffed hospitals in the U.S. hiring more international nurses. The article has been featured on NPR, Kaiser Health News, The CT Mirror, Becker's Hospital Review, and Fox News.

The article explains how hospitals and facilities across the United States have been overwhelmed due to COVID-19 and an influx of patients. The article features Billings Clinic, one of the many hospitals looking to ease the shortage of nurses they were facing at their hospitals. With the national demand for nurses continuing to rise, the backlog of health care professionals waiting to work in the U.S. has risen to more than 5,000 international nurses.

“We are seeing an absolute boom in requests for international nurses,” said Lesley Hamilton-Powers, a board member of AAIHR and a vice president for Avant Healthcare Professionals in Florida.

As the demand for nurses continues to soar through the pandemic, Avant Healthcare Professionals continues to place international nurses in U.S. hospitals to help with the ongoing nursing shortage.

About Avant Healthcare Professionals

Need nurses? Avant Healthcare Professionals is the premier staffing specialist for internationally educated registered nurses, physical therapists and occupational therapists. Avant has placed thousands of international healthcare professionals across U.S. facilities to help improve the continuity of their care, fill hard-to-find specialties, and increase patient satisfaction, revenue and HCAHPS scores. Avant is a Joint Commission accredited staffing agency and founding member of the American Association of International Healthcare Recruitment (AAIHR). Avant Healthcare Professionals is a member of the Jackson Healthcare® family of companies.


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Avant Healthcare Professionals is a member of the Jackson Healthcare family of companies.