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Read the eBook: Honoring Nurses During Women's History Month

During Women's History Month remember to honor your nurses...

Throughout history, women's roles in healthcare were primarily as caretakers, nurturers, mothers, and nurses. On International Women's Day, we celebrate women's economic, political, and social achievements, and we aim to honor our nurses worldwide.

In this E-Book, we review the history of women in nursing and celebrate the female nurses who were pioneers for modern nursing today. We believe it is important to celebrate your nurses on International Women's Day and Women's History Month. 

Request a free copy of this eBook to read more.

Topics Covered

  • The Evolution of Women in Nursing
  • History of International and Travel Nursing
  • Celebrating History of Female Nurses
  • Nursing Achievements in History
  • International Women's Day
  • Celebrating Nurses on International Women's Day
  • And more inside...

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