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Read the 2021 Trends in Nurse Staffing Study

Your exclusive look into the impact of COVID-19 on the nurse shortage...

Avant Healthcare Professionals has teamed up with multiple healthcare facilities to survey and collect data on the most recent trends in nurse staffing.

The nursing shortage is expected to increase in the years to come as older nurses retire, current RNs burnout, educational resources for new nurses decrease, and the turnover rate increases. The number of nurses leaving the workforce each year has grown steadily from about 40,000 in 2010 to nearly 80,000 by 2020.

COVID-19 has left a lasting impact on the healthcare industry, highlighting gaps in the healthcare workforce and hospitalizing over 150,000 individuals. According to our survey, 50% of respondents said they lost 5%-10% of their staff due to COVID-19 while 30% reported 10%-30% left.

(Request a free copy of the 2021 nursing study to read more)

Topics Covered

  • Addressing nurse staffing needs

  • Seeking cost-effective solutions

  • Nurse demands

  • Impact of COVID-19

  • And more inside... 

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Avant Healthcare Professionals is a member of the Jackson Healthcare family of companies.