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Dream. Become. Inspire. Meet Connie, RN.

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January 24, 2024

Connie is originally from the Philippines. In this blog, she shares her story about becoming a USRN with Avant Healthcare Professionals. Connie now has a successful career and life as a U.S. citizen. 

Why did you decide to become a USRN?  

I graduated with a Bachelor's in Computer Science first. I worked as an IT Support for four years. I was doing well at work but not earning enough to support my family. Until my sister offered to help and asked if I wanted to return to school and study nursing. I was excited and knew then that if I became a nurse, there would be more opportunities and a better future waiting for me. If you asked me before why I am doing nursing, it was because of money. But if you ask me now, I know this is my calling and what I want to do for the rest of my life. I care for people and love to take care of them when they are in difficult times. I love to see them recover and get back to their everyday life. 

My kids and my parents are my inspiration. I want to make sure my kids' future is secured. I want to ensure they don't go through what I've been through. I wanted to give my parents a better life. I want them to relax and enjoy themselves. Unfortunately, my mom died before I could make it here. When we lost her, it was the lowest point of my life. She was always the person that I ran to. She died during COVID, so it was just me and her in the hospital. I took care of her for seven days until she died. That experience made me more compassionate with my patients. Now, I treat my patients as if I am taking care of my mom.

After working as a nurse in the Philippines, I eventually moved to Saudi Arabia. I was happy at first in Saudi because I was finally earning more than enough to provide for my family. But being alone and seeing my family only once a year made me realize that life is not all about money. I told myself I needed to find a way where I could earn money and at the same time be with my family. There were only two options in my mind at that time. It's either the U.K. or the U.S. But the U.S. was always my main goal because my sisters were there.

How was your Avant experience? What convinced you to join Avant Healthcare Professionals? 

My sister was also an Avant nurse and she told me about Avant. I was already starting my NCLEX application at that time with another agency that processes the NCLEX exam, but when I saw what Avant could offer, especially the online review and how my sister's experience with them was, I decided to go with Avant. I did not even look at other options.

How has your life changed living and working in the US? 

Now that I am living my American Dream, it gives me the opportunity to do what I want to do: nursing and, at the same time, provide for my family. It's just sad that my mom died before I made it here. But I know she's happy for me. So, I am doing my best to provide for my dad. I try to give him everything, not just what he needs but also what he wants. I also try to support my siblings and inspire my niece and nephews, so they don't stop dreaming. I want them to dream high. And the fact that I can bring my family here makes me feel complete. I never felt content and happy in my life. Now, I come to work every day with a smile. And working as a Nurse here in the U.S. makes me realize this is my calling. I love working in EMU (Epilepsy Monitoring Unit). My heart is just filled with so much gratitude. All the sacrifices are worth it.

I didn't know the Neuroscience Nursing Award exists. My Associate Manager nominated me. I didn't know I got the award and what the award meant. When they presented me with the award, that's when I found out how significant it is, especially to our Clinical Nurse Specialist. It was named after her best friend who once worked in the same unit I work in now.

"Marianne Markwell Commitment to Neuroscience Nursing Award maintains and influences a high standard for quality nursing care, has a sense of humor, advocates for nurses, patients and families, and values education." 

Being recognized with this kind of award is fulfilling. I felt appreciated and it inspired me to do even better. It's my first ever award as a nurse. Below is the excerpt from my nomination. 

"If you ask Connie, she will tell you she believes she was born to be a nurse and has a passion for it. She is dedicated to her patients and families, who frequently pass along praise for her outstanding nursing, attention to detail, and compassionate care. She has a smile on her face and kindness in her heart for every person she encounters and navigates her way through the day with grace and kindness. While Connie did not come to us with a Neuro background, she has embraced our population and has come to love them. Additionally, we have come to depend on her for her exceptional abilities to care for our unique epilepsy population. Her critical thinking, ability to predict, responsiveness in situations, advocacy and willingness to assist are exemplary." 

What is your current title and what are you doing now? 

I received my AANN Seizure and Epilepsy Certificate last January and now I am working on getting the SCRN (Stroke Certified Registered Nurse) certification. Next will be the CNRN (Certified Neuroscience Registered Nurse). I am also planning to do my Masters soon. Maybe next year.

Any advice to international nurses about coming to the US to pursue their American dream? 

I would like to encourage my fellow nurses that determination, resilience, and patience is the key to success. If you want something, don't mind what others think. People will always try to pull you down. But if you have the determination and resilience, all the sacrifices will be worth it in the end. 

And finally, my advice is if you are weighing your options about an agency, look for an agency that will support you all the way, from start to end. And that's what Avant Healthcare Professionals did for me. The transition program was my favorite part. It makes it easier to move from a completely different place and start your life all over again.

About Avant Healthcare Professionals

Need nurses? Avant Healthcare Professionals is the premier staffing specialist for internationally educated registered nurses, physical therapists and occupational therapists. Avant has placed thousands of international healthcare professionals across U.S. facilities to help improve the continuity of their care, fill hard-to-find specialties, and increase patient satisfaction, revenue and HCAHPS scores. Avant is a Joint Commission accredited staffing agency and founding member of the American Association of International Healthcare Recruitment (AAIHR). Avant Healthcare Professionals is a member of the Jackson Healthcare® family of companies.


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Avant Healthcare Professionals is a member of the Jackson Healthcare family of companies.