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Where Are They Now: Kareen Hanson

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January 05, 2024

Kareen is originally from Jamaica. In this blog, she shares her story about becoming a USRN with Avant Healthcare Professionals

Why did you decide to become a USRN? What convinced you to join?Avant Healthcare Professionals?

My oldest daughter (only child then) made me decide to become a USRN. I wanted more advantages for her life. Here in the U.S., her violin mastery came at no cost. Her potential has exceeded my expectations. I had applied to other companies to be a USRN. After being interviewed and asking questions to make a decision, Avant stood out because they always emphasized support.

How was your Avant experience? What's your favorite part of the program?

My experience was excellent! Avant lived up to their promise of support. They were my parent with all the experience, and as a child, I humbled myself and took directions that led to a successful contract. My favorite part of the experience was the transition program. I was sensitized to all the expectations of America. That helped tremendously. There were situations where you may feel that you’re not knowledgeable, but that cultural session takes care of it.

Where were you placed, and why did you convert to the hospital's full-time staff? 

I was placed at a hospital in St. Louis, Missouri, in the Cardiothoracic operating room. I was mostly exposed to CABGs and valve replacements in Jamaica. I still do those types of surgeries. But my facility has me doing heart and lung transplants! It’s like I found my calling and decided to stick to it. My decision to convert was not hard.

How have you integrated with your community? 

My integration into the community has been excellent. I’m currently part of a program where international nurses in the hospital’s healthcare system come together to formulate ideas on how to enhance adaptability to the different cultures in the system.

Also, I’m on my hospital’s Preceptor Council. We meet every quarter to discuss how, as experienced practitioners, we can enhance clinical practice, especially for our new graduates and experienced nurses trying a unique specialty.

How has your life changed living and working in the U.S.? 

My life has changed for the better! Especially financially, not just for my family here with me but also for my father back home. Time off from work in Jamaica would mean staying home. Here, time off from work is affording to travel and treating my dad to travel. Also, there are professional advancements available.

Any advice to international?nurses thinking about coming to the U.S. to pursue their American dream? 

I know it may be overwhelming to decide to leave what you’ve known all your life. But Avant has all you need to make a smooth transition. Give them a call and hear for yourself. I’ve had no regrets with my decision.

Avant Healthcare Professionals is the premier recruiting and staffing specialist for internationally educated healthcare professionals. When you join the Avant Healthcare Professionals program, you have entire teams of experts dedicated to your success in the USA! Take the first step toward your new life and a new career. Apply today to find out if you qualify to be part of this exclusive program. You could be working in the U.S. in as little as 12 months!

About Avant Healthcare Professionals

Need nurses? Avant Healthcare Professionals is the premier staffing specialist for internationally educated registered nurses, physical therapists and occupational therapists. Avant has placed thousands of international healthcare professionals across U.S. facilities to help improve the continuity of their care, fill hard-to-find specialties, and increase patient satisfaction, revenue and HCAHPS scores. Avant is a Joint Commission accredited staffing agency and founding member of the American Association of International Healthcare Recruitment (AAIHR). Avant Healthcare Professionals is a member of the Jackson Healthcare® family of companies.


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Avant Healthcare Professionals is a member of the Jackson Healthcare family of companies.