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Dream. Become. Inspire. Indanan, RN

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February 01, 2023

Meet Indanan, an international Registered Nurse from the Philippines who received multiple Daisy nominations at a hospital in Illinois. Below, Indanan shares how his life leveled up by becoming a USRN.  

My Journey to Becoming a USRN

Before joining Avant Healthcare Professionals, I spent seven years in the Middle East working in the orthopedics and neurosurgery unit. I learned about Avant when my colleagues asked me for references. Initially, I planned to stay a bit longer because we had a pretty good life, and it was a beautiful place. But then I had to rethink my options when I asked myself, "What is my long-term goal?" That is when I considered Avant. I remember sending them a Facebook message and getting a quick response which led me to apply. 

When I signed a contract with Avant, I thought it would take a couple of years before getting the embassy interview, but before I knew it, I had my interview; perhaps COVID-19 hastened the demand for international nurses. 

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Experience on Assignment

Similar to my past experience when starting somewhere new, building rapport can take a while, but it does get better, and now everything feels so smooth. 

I earned a Daisy nomination from my facility in the first couple of months. I felt so appreciated at my workplace. There is such an appreciation and respect for the nurses here in the U.S. Many times, still in my scrubs outside of work, I had encounters where people would say, "I'm in nursing school. I want to be a nurse like you." I even experience kindness from restaurants where I hear words like, " Hey, keep up the good work, okay? We appreciate what you're doing." It's just amazing when you listen to people's appreciation. Many patients would express their gratitude to you- that's why I got a handful of Daisy nominations.

R.N.s do well in the U.S.- I mean that the quality of life is on another level. I have colleagues from New Zealand who have never owned a home, but when they got here, after one and a half years in nursing practice, they could secure a home. I see R.N.s driving decent cars and really nice ones. You can buy the things you want with hard work, which usually means getting a little overtime. I experienced the level-up; my family and I moved to a new house we call our own. It does take hard work, but it is worth it. 

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My Advice for Aspiring USRNs

I know it can be a tedious process - from the paperwork to trying to pass the NCLEX and IELTS exams. Sometimes you will be tempted to doubt your decision, but here's my encouragement: in the long run, you will realize it is worth your time. Right now, I'm here with my family and I love that we are together. 

There's always somebody there for us, not only during the process but even now while on assignment. I hear feedback from nurses working for other agencies wishing they had the support I am getting from Avant Healthcare Professionals

I made the right choice.

Avant Healthcare Professionals is the premier recruiting and staffing specialist for internationally educated healthcare professionals. When you join the Avant Healthcare Professionals program, you have entire teams of experts dedicated to your success in the USA! Take the first step toward your new life and a new career. Apply today to find out if you qualify to be part of this exclusive program. You could be working in the U.S. in as little as 12 months!


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Avant Healthcare Professionals is a member of the Jackson Healthcare family of companies.