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Dream. Become. Inspire. Meet Ngozi, RN

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September 20, 2021

Meet Ngozi, a Registered Nurse with Avant Healthcare Professionals, who received the Excellence in Professional Nursing Award at her facility. Ngozi is living her American Dream in Missouri. Below, Ngozi shares her journey of becoming a USRN and the lessons she has learned along the way.

My Journey to Becoming a USRN

My life back home was not easy. I felt that my future was uncertain.  The political climate with unfulfilled promises, insecurity, low wages, and extreme material deprivation are some of the contributing factors that made it difficult for me to plan, grow and contribute meaningfully to society. It was frustrating and difficult to make a significant achievement in my life, family, and career. Everything seemed to deteriorate each day.    

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I decided to become a USRN because it offered more opportunities for me to have a sustainable future, advance my career, and provide effective and efficient care.

My USRN Process

I came to know about Avant Healthcare Professionals in 2017 through two friends who encouraged me to sign up. It took me months before I signed up with Avant Healthcare Professionals because I needed to research more about the company and pray about it.  

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I decided to sign up with Avant Healthcare Professionals after seeing their core values of Teamwork, Passion, Adaptability, Integrity, Continuous Improvement, as well as listening to this still small voice in me. I am convinced that Avant Healthcare Professionals is a great company that values people and helps them succeed to have a better life.  It has been a great and wonderful experience throughout my journey.  Avant Healthcare Professionals' commitment to inclusion and diversity, building a trusting relationship, recognizing talents, and rewarding hard work is excellent.  

My life has significantly changed for the better after living and working in the U.S. I can now see a sustainable future for myself. I hope to advance my education and upgrade my skills someday.  

My Advice for Aspiring USRNs

When I received the Excellence in Professional Nursing Award at my facility, the saying, "to whom much is given much is expected" resonated with me even more.  It will always be my goal to provide the best care to all of my patients.  

To my fellow nurses, I encourage you to love your job, respect your colleagues, remain teachable, and be a team player. Remember to keep learning for your future and the people you serve. 

Avant Healthcare Professionals is the premier recruiting and staffing specialist for internationally educated healthcare professionals. When you join the Avant Healthcare Professionals program, you have entire teams of experts dedicated to your success in the USA! Take the first step toward your new life and a new career. Apply today to find out if you qualify to be part of this exclusive program. You could be working in the U.S. in as little as 12 months!


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