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Dream. Become. Inspire. Meet Shirley, RN.

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May 02, 2023

Shirley is originally from the Philippines. In this blog, she shares her Avant Healthcare Professionals experience extensively. Shirley now lives in the U.S. with her family.

Why did you decide to become a USRN? What convinced you to join Avant Healthcare Professionals? 

A nurse's journey is like a winding road; it is a challenging path. There are many turns, ups, and downs, and hurdles along the way. But also, being a nurse means opening different doors of opportunities and achieving great things. As a nurse in the Philippines, one of my dreams is to work in a Western country and eventually settle with my family. For most nurses, the USA is one of the most sought countries to work and live for. However, being an international nurse is not easy-breezy, considering the lengthy application process, different cultures, language barriers, hospital systems, and somewhat different nursing practices.

My colleague introduced me to Avant Healthcare Professionals in 2015, and I regret that I did not continue at that time because if I had, I would have been in the United States sooner. Fast forward, I reapplied in 2017 and pursued my application with Avant this time.

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 I am grateful to have become one of their nurses because I overcame the challenges ahead of me with them, and my U.S. journey became meaningful, colorful, and trouble-free. The most important moment was when I brought my family with me.

How was your Avant Healthcare Professionals experience? What's your favorite part of the program?  

Here are the things that I particularly love and appreciate the most about being an Avant nurse.

First, I needed to learn about the process of working as a nurse in the U.S. I knew that I needed to pass NCLEX and IELTS exams but needed to know where to start; Avant became my guide throughout. They are very persistent and speedy in communication, explaining the required documents to be submitted, and very keen in giving instructions so I will be aware of the situation.

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Second, Avant asked me my three top states where I want to work and tried to find a facility there. Not only that, but Avant also assessed my skills level and conducted a practice interview to ensure I was equipped and get through my upcoming facility interview.

Third, when you reach the embassy interview phase, Avant also ensures you are well-prepared with the necessary documents. They have online modules you can watch to know what to expect during the interview. As I said earlier, they will constantly communicate with you in every way.

Fourth, and this is what I love the most is, when you finally get here in the United States, Avant has what you call a Transitions Program where they will help you adjust culturally and clinically in the U.S. Being in a new country puts me in a huge adjustment not only in their culture but also in their system. Avant makes sure that I am equipped to start my life here. These things include opening a bank account, processing my SSN and green card, insurance, and getting a house, car, and mobile phone. This transition program also allowed me to meet new friends who can help along the way.

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Fifth, while working in your respective facility, you still have your go-to person when you need something or have problems in your workplace. The Avant nurse facility manager and ESS are in touch with me regularly and stay updated on my needs and how I am coping with my new work and living environment. They are my listener and confidant if I am having difficulty and advice on what I can do in the current situation.

Lastly, Avant's contract is by hours and not dictated by years. I love that all working hours are credited to your contract compared to other agencies that take only a maximum of x hours.

These are what I came across being an Avant Baby. My experience with them is fun, very informative, and enjoyable. Overall, my family and I had a fantastic, beautiful, and life-changing adventure during my career and way of living here in the land of milk and honey - All because of Avant Healthcare Professionals.

Avant Healthcare Professionals is the premier recruiting and staffing specialist for internationally educated healthcare professionals. When you join the Avant Healthcare Professionals program, you have entire teams of experts dedicated to your success in the USA! Take the first step toward your new life and a new career. Apply today to find out if you qualify to be part of this exclusive program. You could be working in the U.S. in as little as 12 months!


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Avant Healthcare Professionals is a member of the Jackson Healthcare family of companies.