Avant Healthcare Professionals is proud to be part of the Jackson Healthcare family as we enter our 21st year of changing lives.

Dream. Become. Inspire. Meet Mary, RN

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October 19, 2021

Meet Mary, a Registered Nurse with Avant Healthcare Professionals who received a Recognition of Excellence from her facility while on orientation. Mary is currently living her American Dream in Ohio. Below, Mary shares her journey of becoming a USRN and a few lessons she has learned along the way.

My Journey to Becoming a USRN

Before I moved to the U.S., I worked in a neuro-critical care unit back in my home country with ventilated patients. It was challenging because of the limited resources. I took care of many patients with little equipment. I learned how to calculate dosages of medications using formulas, not machines. Charting patient care was handwritten all the time. and patients were bathed early in the morning. I was trained to act fast and do manual labor at the same time. I was grateful to our head neurologist, Dr. Surdilla, who made an effort to prepare us to become competent and skilled nurses even with limited resources.

Although I love my country, I decided to become a USRN because I saw the opportunity to grow professionally in America. I wanted to be better and learn new things about my specialty. Also, my inspiration has always been my family. I want to provide for them while doing the things I love.

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My USRN Process

I did not know anything about Avant Healthcare Professionals when I applied. A friend randomly told me after work that she signed up with an agency that would help her take the NCLEX-RN exam. The agency provided her books so she could study and prepare for the exam. That caught my attention initially.

While in the process, I learned a lot of good things about the agency. People said Avant Healthcare Professionals was "the fast and organized, the program is well-thought-of, and most notably, they not only help you make your dreams come true, but they also establish a connection and build a relationship with you." Avant Healthcare Professionals cares so much for their nurses - more than we all expected.

Because of my good experience, I continued to encourage people to choose Avant Healthcare Professionals if they wanted to explore opportunities in the U.S. I witnessed Avant Healthcare Professionals' passion to help, which inspired me to help other nurses as well.

When I arrived in the U.S., the Avant Healthcare Professionals team taught us how to drive, pump gas, and negotiate for our cars. They also assisted us in opening a bank account, getting our green card, and budgeting. 

I was barely a month in the unit, in orientation actually, when I received my first recognition for "Excellence." This recognition encouraged me that I am doing the right thing at the facility. I was glad that my family back home was proud of me.

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My Advice for Aspiring USRNs

To my fellow nurses: when we do what is expected of us, patients thank us, but when we go the extra mile, they remember us. It may just be staying for a few minutes to let them talk about their day and their fears, or even being a little bit curious about them by asking them what they are watching and what they like about it, or telling them stories of our home country if they ask.

These things may seem unnecessary, but for the patients, compassion will make them feel important, and it shows that we genuinely care about them. 

We each have different reasons for why we became a nurse. Now that we are one, it is good to reflect on these questions: "what would you like to be remembered for as a nurse? What difference do you want to make in the lives of your patients?"

Avant Healthcare Professionals is the premier recruiting and staffing specialist for internationally educated healthcare professionals. When you join the Avant Healthcare Professionals program, you have entire teams of experts dedicated to your success in the USA! Take the first step toward your new life and a new career. Apply today to find out if you qualify to be part of this exclusive program. You could be working in the U.S. in as little as 12 months!


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Avant Healthcare Professionals is a member of the Jackson Healthcare family of companies.